It is with great pride that we present to you
our latest demo reel produced in collaboration
with our industry partners.
Witness the quality of our production
capabilities, equipment and special skill actors.

A Kings Ramson Movie
Le Négociateur Series
Burning Mussolini Movie
Struggle for Justice: Donald Marshall Jr.
Struggle for Justice: Félix Michaud
RPT shoots in Châteauguay
Durham County Series (Season 3)
Trauma Series (Season 2)
Toute la Vérité Series
Artillerie Lourde
Tactical Cinematics Ubisoft RB6
Tactical Cinematics Ubisoft Ghost Recon
Rainbow Six Invitational Tactical Advisor
Morgan Photo shoot
Fast Mag Hudson Supplies video shoot

Real Police Tactics, Casting and Consulting is proud to be one of the first
corporations in Canada and Quebec in the film making industry that aims
exclusively to create employment for the acting community while helping production
companies save time and money.

Dear valued customer,

My name is Chantale Robinson, owner and
operator of R.P.T. Casting and Consulting. It is
with a sense of excitement and professionalism
that I welcome you to our website.